
FPI attended the 14th International Gas Technology, Equipment and Application Exhibition
Pub Date:2013-09-20 Source: View Num:441

FPI attended the 14th International Gas Technology, Equipment and Application Exhibition-the largest gas industry exhibition in the world, which held in the International Expo Center, Nanjing, China on Sep 12 to 14, 2012. 
There are more than 300 enterprises from 30 countries which well-known in the field of industrial gas equipment, gas equipment, gas storage and transportation participating the conference.

FPI showed new developed products in the exhibition such as Mars-550 portable process gas mass spectrometer, LGA-6100 semiconductor laser analyzer, ProGC-2000 gas chromatograph, toxic and harmful gases monitoring system, online corrosion monitoring program, the natural gas industry solutions, sulfur recovery monitoring system, which won widespread concern of direct users, dealers, and distributors by receiving a total of more than 100 Chinese and foreign customers.

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